
a first...

Inspired by a friend, I've decided to open and create an online journal of sorts. I'm not exactly sure how much I plan to reveal or write in this blog, however, I will post interesting conversations about nothing or something about everything. Thank you Joanne for your inspriation to open and clear my mind.

Above is a picture of my godson. Adorable and innocent to no end but even in innocence, up to no good. It's quite amusing to me how much one being goes through during life. Somethings are dramatic as continually demonstrated by my 7 year old drama queen neice. Or perhaps it's just nothing as all, as I picture my newphew shrug his shoulders and run off in laughter. I guess the end of the year always tends to place me in a "review" perspective.

My year in a nutshell? Alot of drastic change. Mostly all good changes. I know that I have nothing to be regretful about. 2005 has actually been a good year for me and for those around me.

Marriage is stable and still extremely happy. Career is good. Family is good. I'm actually picturing Joey from "Friends" during the whole Rachel and her combo Sheperd's pie slash trifil dessert. "What's there not to like, cream good, cake good, meat good!" Such has my life been this past year.

My goals for next year. I'll take that one day at a time. Geez, most of my days are spent figuring out what I'm doing next so to ask me now what my plans are for next year is like asking my neice not to be so dramatic.

Merry x-mas all and a safe and happy new year!