
Moving on....

It's taken me a while to write about this, only because the pain is still fresh. Very early this year, I decided that I had to give up my partnership in the business. Mostly because I disagree with how the business was being run. When it all comes down to it, one of the boys' old co-workers who is in the same industry, plainly put it... "We were working harder, but not smarter."

Why did I decide to walk away from my passion..... I have parts of it it figured out, I didn't like the stressful environments that I was placed into unwillingly, but mostly because I didn't like the person that I had become. It was hard for me to admit that I had changed as a person and harder even so to admit that I had really taken a major toll on my relationship with the one person that supported me the most. Sadly, I had stuck with the business based on the belief of the potential it had. The boy saw it much faster than I did but knew that I needed to come to the realization on my own.

I miss it though. Wallking away cold turkey... must be how smokers feel when they quite smoking. I'm slowly adjusting to life once again... a slower paced life. I do miss the creativity quite a bit. I've looked into art classes in the hopes of having a venue to release and satisfy the creative side of me.

So what's next... family and a house. Thankfully, I have a great job with the person who I was working part time for. She walked with me through the entire situation, making the adjustments with me. The boy and I are looking into buying a house towards the end of the year. But most of all, we're both looking to expand the family unit.

It's been a rough beginning to 2007, but I love how the rest of 2007 is looking.

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